Saturday, September 29, 2012


Shalom Praise Ministry is an emerging interdenominational ministry (based in Nigeria) dedicated to holistic transformation of Africa; using Nigeria as a starting point, is crying for justice in Africa by calling individuals and organizations in U.S.A and Europe who are passionate of seeing Africa developed holistically to respond to this this glamorous call.
This ministry is currently working to transform Nigeria, and using it as a point of contact to transform other African countries as well. You may ask, why Nigeria?
With more than 155 million people, Nigeria is Africa’s most populous nation and its second-largest economy after South Africa. As Africa’s largest producer of oil and one of the top five suppliers of U.S and Europe oil imports, Nigeria plays an important role in the global economy. Nigeria plays a vital role in UN Peace Keeping Mission in many African countries and beyond. In essence, transforming Nigeria is as the same as transforming the whole of Africa.
It is sad to discovered that 70% of incomes generated in Nigeria goes to corruption; independent research has revealed that, the money Nigeria lost to corruption is twice the amount U.S.A and UN used in developing Africa. This money is not stolen to developed Nigeria; if it were so, there wouldn’t be much trouble, but rather the money is stolen and transferred to other countries.
Tragically, Nigeria is now faces serious challenges, including an increasingly sophisticated and deadly wave of Islamic extremism (known as Boko Haram; meaning western education is a sin), pervasive corruption, injustices, and growing levels of poverty and income inequality. Poverty levels are rising, with more than 60% of the population living on less than a dollar a day, and indicators such as income distribution, health, and literacy indicate a sharp North-South divide. Diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/Aids, maternal and infant mortality are prevalent most especially in Northern Nigeria.
These are the reason why Shalom Praise Ministry is embarking on transformation of Africa, using Nigeria as a starting point; we believe transforming Nigeria is the same as transforming Africa (our motto is: hope for Africa), we have a 15 years plan; to make the average Africans know their fundamental human right.
This ministry has four areas of focus that need contribution in any way possible from individual and organizations in the U.S.A and Europe: (1) Social justice and economic advocacy (human right) deals with issues relating to justice and fairness, (2) Poverty and diseases eradication advocacy (PDEA) deals with issues of poverty and disease free society in Africa, (3) Center for Spiritual advocacy (CSA) deals with interfaith dialogue most especially among Muslims and Christians, (4) Educational empowerment advocacy (EEA) deals with seeking support and exploring educational opportunities to Africans most especially the young ones .
This is nonprofit organization, to read more visit To support, partner or inquiry contact: Pastor Ande I. Emmanuel; or call: +12027354979


Shalom Praise Ministry, a young emerging ministry in Africa; with an interdenominational background dedicated to the mission of holistic transformation of Africa, is hereby seeking for partners, mentors, and volunteers who are willing to be part of the new vision targeting holistic transformation of Africa; using Nigeria as a starting point.
This ministry has four areas of focus; (1) Social justice and economic advocacy (human right), (2) Poverty and diseases eradication advocacy (PDEA), (3) Center for Spiritual advocacy (CSA), (4) Educational empowerment advocacy (EEA).
This nonprofit organization is seeking people who will volunteer to serve as Directors in each of the above areas.
This organization is also seeking for partners and mentors who will assist in providing awareness and sensitization on how to run a nonprofit organization to effectively achieve it stated goals.
The Voluntary Directors should possess the following qualifications:
- Passion for socio-economic and religio-political development of Africa,
- Passion for egalitarianism in African society,
- Passion toward violence free society in Africa, starting from where you are,
- Possess some knowledge on public policy advocacy,
- Possess some good communication and writing ability in English or any other developed country’s language, with good knowledge of computer e.g. all social networks,
- Should be willing to travel to any part of Africa.

If you are willing to be a volunteer, partner or mentor, please contact:
Pastor Ande I. Emmanuel at +1202-735-4979 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +1202-735-4979 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or send an email to
You can check the Shalom Praise Ministry website at http//

New Africa is Possible

Join the voyage for the transformation of Africa, share your visions and work your dreams. Let us unite and bring the best out of our continent Africa. A “New Africa is possible,” a nation where people can bring about meaningful change at all levels of live, a nation where poverty; diseases; violence; tribalism; sectionalism; geocentricism; nepotism; bribery, and corruption will be things of the past, a nation where there will be no class distinction; bridging the gap between the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated, a nation where religious tolerance will be valued; a nation where religion will be an instrument of development than division, a nation that esteemed the dignity of humanity; where everyone is optimistic that no matter one’s poor background he can still make it in life, a nation where there will be no kings and slaves; but citizens. We are not subjects of our respect countries but we are citizens. This new Africa is possible; join us at the SHALOM PRAISE MINISTRY an interdenominational ministry that is dedicated to the transformation of social, economic, political, and religious life of Africa as a whole. Through advocating for civil right, social, and economic justice, and maintaining the integrity of African societal heritage. Visit us at

Saturday, September 22, 2012



As a theologian, a clergy, and someone live in America, my Church members kept asking me whether the world is coming to an end in 2012, whether the mark of the beast 666 (Revelation 13:18) has come out/would come out in America, Whether President Obama's Health Care Bill; RFID Chip Implants is the 666 referred in the Scripture?

Because of questions, I felt
 obliged to draw a working exegesis of Revelation 13:11-18.

The second beast is identified in the Bible as a "false prophet" (16:13; 19:20; 20:10), this is a ancient reference to those who encourage worship of the Roman emperor and participation in Roman idolatry (empirical religion). The prophets performs miracle (Mark 13: 21-23; 2Thess. 2:9-10). The "mark of the beast" should not be interpreted literal, it point to economic discrimination endured by faithful Christians under Roman leadership (200 BC-400 AD), during this period only those who paid homage to the statue of the emperor are allowed to buy and sale ( Church historians call them "the lapse").

The number of the beast (666) is the sum of the numerical value of it letters. John wrote this before the invention of the Arabic numerals we now use. The language the author knows and uses was-Greek, Latin, Aramaic, and Hebrew all have used numbers as equivalent to letters, that very name has a numerical sum. Theologically scholars have identifies the beast who once bear the 666 as "Emperor Nero" (ca. 54-68). His numerical total in Hebrew is 666. Nero was the first emperor who started persecuting the church. Emperor Domitian (ca. 81-96) exiled John in the island of Patmos. So John while in exile thought Nero has come to life. There is no Biblical or traditional connection between Obama’s regime and mark of the beast.


-The Bible refers to the beast as "second beast," if Obama is the second beast who then is the first beast? I guess you will say Bush! Then you are wrong.

-The Bible says the beast is a "false prophet" we all know Obama is not a prophet, in case you don't know, he is a politician.

-Again the Bible says the beast has power to perform miracle, we know Obama has never perform miracle.

-The Bible says the mark of the beast is for the whole nations of the earth, but Obama's RFID Chip Implants is only for US citizens. What about other nations? When would their mark arrive?

-You see! Please stop using the Bible to tarnish the image of America and Obama. The man is really doing a good job.

(Reference: The New Interpreters Study Bible 2003).

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tenure Misconception of UMC Central Conference bishops


I decided to put together this piece of information, to help my colleagues and friends in UMC Nigeria at time of electing a new bishop for the Nigeria Episcopal Area. It can be 
recall that one of the remote causes of the 2004 conflict in UMC Nigeria was the misconception of the “Life tenure of the bishop.” As many interpreted it to mean “the bishop will remain in office until his death.” Misconception- believe it or not has caused a great lost in UMC Nigeria, a lost that will cause us many years to recover. As we are making arrangement to elect another bishop, it will be good if we understand the basic tips on bishop’s election.


In the UMC terminology, a bishop is an elder who is elected to provide a “spiritual leadership” to the Church. He or she preside over Annual and Central Conferences (regional areas of the church), play an important leadership role in helping to set the direction of the church and its mission throughout the world (BOD 49. 2008, URL: This implies that who so ever is to be elected for this office must be spiritually disciplined in the Word of God, must have proven leadership ability, and must be ready to be servant to God and humanity.


An annual conference, in the session immediately prior to the next regular session of jurisdiction or central conference, is given the power to nominate one or more people to be elected as bishop at the session of jurisdiction or central conference. These nominees can come from among all active clergy of the said annual conference, and information about them must be sent to all delegates in the jurisdictional or central conferences (BOD 405.1, 2008).
It is required in UMC that annual conference in nominating candidates for bishop, shall give due consideration to the inclusiveness of The United Methodist Church with respect to gender, race, and national origin (meaning all active clergy in good stand are eligible to be nominated provide they met the provision in BOD 401, 2008 (BOD 405. 2a, 2008).
Annual conference is authorized to fix the percentage of votes necessary for nomination, but it must not be less than 60 percent of the total vote (BOD 405. 2b, 2008).


Election of a bishop is the same as the nomination; only difference is bishops are elected in jurisdictional or central conferences.
Bishops are elected by the jurisdictional conferences in the United States and by the central conferences outside of the United States. “Any clergy member of an annual conference is eligible to be elected a bishop. Nominations or endorsements of individuals are common, but not necessary for election....The number of votes needed to elect a bishop is determined by each jurisdictional or central conference but the Book of Discipline recommends that at least 60 percent of those present and voting be required to elect. Bishops are consecrated at the jurisdictional or central conference session which they were elected” (BOD 405. 2c, 2008).


I want to start this paragraph by saying that, one of the biggest problems of The United Methodist Church in Nigeria (UMCN) is the tenure of a bishop.
In Central Conferences, bishops are elected for a specific term. If not reelected at the end of the term, the bishop returns to the pastorate and is no longer considered a bishop. Bishops who retire while serving their term are considered bishops for life. In the Africa Central Conference, bishops who are reelected for a second term then become bishops for life. The phrase “bishop for life” means; when they retired after serving all their elected terms, they become part of the council of bishop and would be addressed retired bishop for life.
By the decision of the West Africa Central Conference (WACC 2008), central conference bishops can serve up to a second term (a term is a period of 4 years known as quadrennial), after their second term, they can be elected for a term again, after which they cannot continue as bishop, but can retire and be bishop for life (all bishop are required to retire when they are 68) BOD 50, 2008.


I felt obliged as your brother in diaspora to bring forth this recommendation. Several years of working as a pastor in Nigeria has taught me that we can do better in the future despite the predicament that has befallen our Church in the previous years. The future of our Church is bright only if we have a leader that is spiritually discipline and has a positive vision of the future. We may have this type of leader if this election is conducted under the following conditions:
- Conducted beyond tribalism and sectionalism.
- Conducted looking at one’s spiritual and physical achievements in life of the church.
- 50% look at academic advancement is a good advantage.
- 10% look at number of years in the church because there are a lot of people who have being in this church for decades, yet they haven’t contributed anything meaningful in life of the church.
- Conducted regardless of gender.
- No any recommendation from cabinet or executive, delegates should bring forth names from the bar of the annual conference and those who have 60 percent of the total vote cast should be the nominees.
- We should understand that what divide us is less significant compared to what unite us.
We at Wesley Theological Seminary are seriously praying for you. Go forth in faith, may the peace of the Lord be with you (1 Tim 3:2; Titus 1:6), which spirit fill nomination and subsequent election.

The BOOK of DISCIPLINE of the United Methodist Church 2008

Yours in God’s service
Ande Emmanuel


We must stop tribalism, Nepotism, and Sectionalism in UMC Nigeria

My is Ande I. Emmanuel, I am an ordained clergy of the United Methodist Church in Nigeria. I currently live in the United States doing a master's program in theology. 

As bishop election for UMC Nigeria episcopal area approaches, I want to call your attention to some useful tips that would in election an " ideal " person who will save UMC Nigeria from the menace of tribal crises that has engulfed the church for the past eight years.

The challenge of finding a spirit filled and devoted pastor to became the bishop of The United Methodist Church Nigeria Episcopal Area is enormous. The UMC Church in Nigeria for so many years was engulfed in crises which has reduced the church from dynamic equilibrium to amnesia and nostalgia. All these happened as a result of selfishness, tribalism, nepotism, and sectionalism has eaten deep into the fabric of the Church. What shall we do? 

This answer to this question lies on who becomes the bishop. I draw this note to remind you of the role God has placed you to play in electing "the ideal" candidate for the enormous task of uniting The United Methodist Church in Nigeria. As the West African Central Conference approaches, I want you to know that you have the responsibility of voting to change the situation in UMC Nigeria, your vote would determine the faith of the church in Nigeria for only God knows how long.

I want want to tell you that with the way the nomination is going in Nigeria, we are optimistic that God is in processes of transforming The United Methodist Church in Nigeria from further decline to dynamic equilibrium, from resigned passiveness to confident plans and actions, from introversion to extroversion, and amnesia or nostalgia to robust sense of a congregational vitality. One thing that is worth noting is God can use you to perfect this his plan of restoration in Nigeria.

I do want you to keep in mind that UMC Nigeria wants "the ideal" candidate, some one who has deep experience with people, some who can build unity in diversity in the church, some one who is not tribal; not sectional, not selfish, and does not support nepotism. Some who can bring together the separated wall of unity in UMC Nigeria. He "the ideal" person is among the nominee coming to the West Africa Central Conference, I encourage you as brothers and sisters in Christ to vote form him. Remember you have a divine assignment to change situation in UMC Nigeria, by voting for this "ideal" candidate (may God bless you as you do so). I hope to see you in person during the central conference, have a good day.

Rev. Ande I. Emmanuel
Wesley Theological Seminary
Cell phone: +1 202-735-4979